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Office Managers' Meeting 18.04.24

By Sadie Wiles, CFO, OWN TRust

The Office Manager Meeting took place at Woodston Primary School on 18th April 2024. Attendees at the meeting included Samantha Bottomley - Nene Valley, Aga Celary - Woodston, Sharon Davey - Woodston, Nicola Foy - OWN, Andrea Hatfield - Woodston, Sophie Lewis - OWN, Katy McLaughlin - Orton Wistow, Stuart Mansell - OWN and Sadie Wiles - OWN.

The Office Managers' meeting provides a regular opportunity to update on current issues with regard to HR, Estates, IT, and Finance.

This meeting was a chance to discuss the budget-setting assumptions that schools should be using for the next 3-year budget that they are starting to work on. This looks at grants schools are entitled to, inflation, and potential staff pay awards.

It was a chance to discuss poignant points with regard to budget setting and an opportunity to ask/answer questions that office staff have.

We discussed procedural updates to ensure that the trust maintains compliance within finance, IT, and HR areas.

Stuart joined for the last section of the morning to discuss the rolling out of a new platform which will be used to share policies and ensure they are read by appropriate staff members on a timely basis.