SEND Impact Meeting 23.02.23

By Linda Harries, SENCo, Orton Wistow Primary School
The OWN Trust SEND Impact Meeting took place at Orton Wistow Primary School on the 23rd of February 2023 from 1-4.30 pm. It was attended by Laura Hurrell (Woodston Primary School SENCo), Lucinda Robinson (Woodston Primary School SENCo), Linda Harries (Orton Wistow Primary School SENCo), and Carly Pearson (Nene Valley Primary School SENCo).
SENCos meet half-termly with pre-agreed focuses to support planning, reflecting, and evaluating the impact of events, actions, and provision for pupils with SEND in our Trust settings. This all links to the SEND Trust Strategy and moving forward, the action plan. This forum enables both operational and strategic discussion.
This meeting was the third of the academic year and the following items were of focus:
Standing items
- School updates;
- Information sharing (happened and upcoming) and implications (school, local, and nationally);
- Emerging issues;
- Training.
Meeting-specific discussion focuses:
- SEND Improvement Plan
- SEND Strategy
There was a very brief catch-up around the standing items to leave the maximum time possible to discuss the SEND Improvement Plan. Mention was made of the excellent SENCO Network event that Lucinda Robinson, Carly Pearson, and Linda Harries had all attended on 09.02.2023.
There was a brief discussion around Ordinarily Available Provision and the Graduated Approach. This was part of the training delivered at the Network event. Resources produced by the Martin Bacon Academy were shared with SENCOs after the training.
Lucinda has started working on an OWN Trust version. She shared this with Linda Harries and Carly Pearson. Although there will be information about the Trust and its Mission Statement, Vision, and Principles, each school will have to produce its own version as the provision available will vary from setting to setting.
We checked the SEND Strategy to see if this was still relevant. Priorities 1 and 2 remain pertinent. Priority 3 is no longer relevant due to national changes.
We have identified 4 outcomes for the SEND Improvement Plan. We began drafting this and an additional TEAMs meeting has been scheduled to complete this.
All SENCos accessed some Meridian Trust training about SEND and Ofsted inspections which resulted in the meeting finishing at 4.30 pm.
Upcoming meetings include 08.03.2023 -TEAMs meeting to complete the SEND IP, 27.04.2023 -Trust SEND Governor meeting, and 18.05.2023 - SEN Impact Meeting at NVPS regarding the Trust SEND Policy.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash