Would you like to volunteer at one of our schools?
By Jan Neish, Governance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
Read the latest news in the OWN Trust and across the schools.
By Jan Neish, Governance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust
By Fiona Scheider, Marketing and Communications Officer
By Jan Neish, Goverance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
By Lorraine Greco, CEO, OWN Trust
By Laura Brough, Director of Learning, Woodston Primary School
By Sarah Levy, Director of Education
Own Trust has been supporting the Peterborough City Council to facilitate the Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Days for a number of years.
By Mary Foreman, Chair of Trustees, OWN TRust
By Lorraine Greco, CEO, OWN Trust
On Wednesday 4th September, Lorraine Greco, the new CEO at OWN Trust, visited Woodston, Orton Wistow, and Nene Valley Primary Schools to introduce herself to teachers and TAs, set out her vision and priorities for the Trust and gain feedback from staff.