School News - Autumn Term
Discover the news highlights from the OWN Trust Schools in the second half of the autumn term 2024!
Read the latest news in the OWN Trust and across the schools.
Discover the news highlights from the OWN Trust Schools in the second half of the autumn term 2024!
At its last meeting, the Board of Trustees discussed the annual audit of accounts, CIF bids, staff absence and sickness and said farewell to the Governance and Compliance Manager, Jan Neish, who is retiring.
Discover how OWN Trust has been promoting our schools' reception and in-year admissions.
On Thursday 5th December 2024, OWN Trust facilitated the Peterborough Primary Headteacher's Day at Allia Future Business Centre. The theme for the day was 'Effective Leadership' and headteachers from Peterborough gathered to hear a variety of speakers.
Discover how these termly meetings support the work of our local goverance committees.
All three schools in the trust and all teachers from EYFS to Year 6 attended an English Writing Moderation session at Nene Valley Primary School on Wednesday 27th November 2024.
The EYFS network enables the trust to promote continued CPD, networking, and sharing good ideas between the EYFS teams.
Our executive leaders from across the trust met this week at Woodston Primary School. The meeting followed our audit feedback meeting which shared the very positive outcomes of our recent external audit of the trust finances.
Quality of Education meetings for academy trusts represent a way for trustees, governors, and school leaders to have oversight as well as improve the quality of education for pupils in our schools.
By Jan Neish, Governance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust