Chairs and Vice Chairs Round Table Report 5.12.24
Discover how these termly meetings support the work of our local goverance committees.
As Chair of Trustees, I always look forward to meeting with the chairs and vice chairs of our local governance committees for our schools. It is very powerful to hear their opinions about the trust as well as their individual schools. Having principled discussions about education and what it means to the children in our schools is an essential part of governance in an academy trust. Our trustee vice chair, Sally Williams, also attends these meetings and always provides a secure understanding of the values and aims of OWN Trust. Her pragmatic and down-to-earth approach is appreciated by all.
Our chairs and vice-chairs of our local governing committees lead busy lives, and fitting in an extra meeting can be very tricky, but they try very hard to find time in their diaries to attend and contribute. With just less than a term of having a new CEO, part of our discussions was about the impact she has already had. Our governors have enjoyed seeing Lorraine Greco – the new CEO - at their first meetings of the school year and are really looking forward to spending more time with her in the coming months.
A key aim for the next two terms for the trustees and members of the local governance committees will be aligning our visit agendas. We had lengthy discussions on how we could ensure greater impact from trustee and governor scrutiny of our schools and have agreed to work on creating the agendas to achieve this.
Without a doubt, our trustees and governors make a difference and provide essential challenge and support to the leadership teams in each of our schools, as well as to our CEO and our central services team. Our most important mission is to improve pupils’ progress and outcomes, no matter what their starting points in life. Governors and trustees are essential members of our trust leadership team but also ensure we are all accountable to the areas of Peterborough we serve.
As we continue to work more effectively together as trustees and governors, we are also clear about our roles. Trustees ensure the clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction whilst holding our executive leaders to account for the educational performance of our schools, while our governing bodies support the effective operation of the trust and its policies alongside providing support and challenge to the headteachers.
Our termly meetings are always welcome, with our governors demonstrating their commitment to our local area alongside working to support and challenge the schools to achieve academic excellence and lifelong aspiration for every pupil.
By Mary Foreman, Chair of Trustees, OWN Trust