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Community Group Meeting 24.04.24

By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust

The Community Group met at Woodston Primary School on 24th April 2024. Present were the Community Representatives from each school - Emily Gray (OWPS), Lucy Fogg (OWPS), Kelly Fenton-Bradshaw (WPS), Mia Downs (WPS), Jo Simmons (OWPS) - along with Fiona Schneider and Stuart Mansell from the central office. Carly Pearson (NVPS) sent her apologies.

Stakeholder engagement

The first topic up for discussion was Stakeholder Engagement. The community interactions matrix showed that the Trust has a good spread of engagement across all our stakeholders, but we are always keen to do more to boost the sense of community. Upcoming initiatives include a calendar of interschool events for next year, and a focus on the harder-to-reach groups in our trust community like midday supervisors, site and catering staff.

We were delighted to see that the recent Edurio staff survey reported a 13% increase from last year in those members of staff who said they feel like part of the trust community. We hope to build on this for next year.

Pupil Voice is another area that we hope to develop in 2024 - 2025 as well. We looked at the current provision in the three schools and how it can be adapted to incorporate Trust ambassadors. We will also ensure that children receive an update on what's been happening in the schools every half-term. This will take the form of a short PowerPoint presentation that can be shared in class, year group, or main school assemblies, depending on what works best for each school.

We also discussed increasing parent awareness of the OWN Trust. Trust representatives will attend the new parents' evenings in July to give a brief introduction to the trust. Next year, we are also planning an OWN Trust stall for school events and fêtes.


The Community Group is responsible for organising the yearly charity event and staff events, which include:

  • 7th June 2024 End of Year Celebration
  • 8th July 2024 Trust Charity Fundraising for UNICEF
  • Autumn 2024 Snail Race Evening
  • Spring 2025 Quiz Night
  • Summer 2025 End of Year Celebration


The Trust Display Boards are now up and running in the staff room of each school. Thank you to all the Community representatives for their help in assembling them and keeping the information up to date.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 17th July 2024.