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EYFS Network Meeting 28.11.24

The EYFS network enables the trust to promote continued CPD, networking, and sharing good ideas between the EYFS teams.

On Thursday 28th November 2024, Lorraine Greco (CEO), Trevor Goakes (Executive Deputy Head), Katie Brown (EYFS Lead at Nene Valley Primary School), Jen Gilbert (EYFS teacher at Nene Valley Primary School), Laura Porter (EYFS Lead at Orton Wistow Primary School) and Holly Terreblanche (EYFS teacher Orton Wistow Primary School) met at Nene Valley Primary School for the EYFS Network meeting.

The aim of the meeting was to provide continued CPD, networking, and sharing good ideas between the EYFS teams. This was the second meeting of the academic year.

Katie started the meeting with a tour around the Nene Valley setting, looking at both the inside and outside environments. The discussion then moved on to how to effectively use ‘role play’ areas which are both adult and child-led. Good practice and ideas were shared with quite a lot of similar views around the area linking to domestic areas.

Maths was the next focus and how the use of WhiteRose has been adapted, for example, using more of the practical activities. Next time, the teams will give an update on the Maths area in the classroom and what is working well within Maths.

There was a small update from Lorraine around Early Excellence and Pentagon's visits will continue to be updated as and when Lorraine hears more. External grants are to be looked at to help with financial implications. Data was discussed at a previous meeting and the three schools are starting to become more aligned with the wide bandings from Development Matters.  

There was an exciting update on the Nursery consultation that has gone out across the trust, with the potential opening of a nurseries at each school. Overseen by the trust this will give us the chance to work with children and families from potentially the age of 2!

The team will meet early in the spring term to start to arrange day visits to each setting.

By Trevor Goakes, Executive Deputy Headteacher, OWN Trust