Governance Volunteering Update May 2024
By Jan Neish, Governance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
At OWN Trust, our values are "Opportunity. Work Together. Nurture." These values drive our commitment to providing opportunities for people at all levels to come together for the common good. The aim of this update is to keep you informed about the activities of our volunteer Members, Trustees and Local Governance Committee Members.
New CEO Interviews
In March, local governors played an integral part in the interview process for a new CEO at OWN Trust. We are grateful to Adam Green and to Timothy Kujiyat for their involvement. It wasn’t just a one-way process either and Tim came away from talking to the candidates with some ideas to pursue in his role as premia governor.
Members and Vice Chair Visit OWN Trust Schools
On 8th May 2024, our three members, Christine Moss, Maxine Ward and Cathy Brown, and the Vice Chair of Trustees, Sally Williams, had a full day visit to our schools and introduced themselves to the central team. The role of a Member is to ensure we are doing a good job but not to get too involved. Their role is often described as 'eyes on, hands off' and Executive Deputy Headteacher, Trevor Goakes, made sure they had plenty to see and a lot of children and staff to meet. Many thanks to all the staff and pupils who welcomed Cathy, Maxine, Christine and Sally to their school.
You can read more in Trevor’s write-up here: OWN Trust Members and Vice Chair of Trustees Visit to the Schools
Chair of Trustees Visits OWN Trust Schools
Last week, staff and children may have seen Mary Foreman, Chair of the Trust Board in school. Mary visits all three schools at least once a term as part of the trustees’ monitoring role and always speaks highly of the welcome she receives.
Local Governance Committees and Pupil Voice
This term, in addition to all the other valuable work they do for their schools, local governors have been focused on the “Our Family” part of OWN Trust’s vision and values. Having heard and discussed input from staff and parents, this term their commitment is to 'hearing the pupil voice' so children may see them in school and have an opportunity to share their views.
Thank you!
Thank you again to everyone who undertakes volunteer governance roles at OWN Trust.
If you are interested in volunteering with us or want to find out more, please visit: Governance Volunteering Roles at OWN Trust