Leadership Group Meeting 10.10.24

By Lorraine Greco, CEO, OWN Trust
The Leadership Group meetings are an opportunity for the education leaders in the trust to come together to review progress made this half-term against our key priorities.
Our second leadership group meeting of the term took place on 10th October at Orton Wistow Primary School with all our Headteachers, CEO and also the Education Team in attendance.
The meeting started with an opportunity to meet with Perspective Lite who provide our online platform for our self-evaluation framework (SEF) and our school development plan (SDP) proforma.
The training session was an opportunity to re-visit our SEF process in light of the recent changes to the OFSTED framework for ungraded inspections. It is so important that our schools are able to identify their areas of strength and compare these to the OFSTED handbook. All headteachers were tasked with the job of re-writing their school context section of their SEF.
After that, we took the opportunity to reflect on the first half-term and our successes but also our challenges. The headteachers fed back on their reflections from our recent Blue Apple workshop and how they have adapted their open mornings to really celebrate the unique aspects of their schools. The newly implemented roles of the Executive Deputies was also identified as an area that has improved this term.
We then reflected on our PIXL journey so far this half-term. We are all really excited about our movement towards trust-wide data assessment and analysis this coming academic year.
Orton Wistow are already PIXL experts, and we highly value their knowledge and experience at this time. However, we are also excited to hear how Nene Valley gets on with the new online maths PIXL assessments. Nene Valley are now fully integrating the use of PIXL across their school. Our first data analysis is now available, which is providing a really useful insight into the gaps in pupil's knowledge in Year 6. These can now be addressed quickly through our teaching and curriculum.
The meeting finished with a fantastic opportunity to try out the famous 'Wistow Sausage Roll', which was as delicious as it was promised to be!