Local Governance Committees - Summer Update
By Jan Neish, Governance and Compliance Manager, OWN Trust
All Local Governance Committees had their regular meetings in June. High on the agenda was the 2024/25 budget and all schools are in a sound financial position. Governors are now using Microsoft Forms to submit their contact point reports electronically and this is looking promising. We are setting up SharePoint platforms for each Local Governance Committee for sharing papers and resources from next term in place of the secure section of the OWN Trust website.
We have embarked on a campaign to recruit new local governors using a mix of our own website, direct appeals via schools, and social media. The next step, in the next few months, is to reach further out into our communities and target Peterborough firms.
Plans are in place for a planning/training session for all governors and trustees on the evening of 11 September, hosted by Woodston Primary School. For most local governors, this will be their first chance to meet our new CEO, Lorraine Greco.
One of our founding trustees, David Perkins, is stepping down at the end of the term. As Vice-Chair of the Trust Board and Chair of our Audit & Risk Committee, David has been pivotal in developing the trust and its ways of working. Thank you, David.