OWN Trust Nurturing Talent - Woodston Primary School

By Trevor Goakes, Deputy Head Teacher, Woodston Primary School, OWN Trust
Here at Woodston, one of the OWN Trust schools, we continue to strive for the highest standards in all that we do. We make ‘each day count’ for every child. By nurturing the child’s interest we can ensure they are fully engaged and given every opportunity to succeed. Our teachers work together to discuss and develop their own learning and teaching ideas. This Joint Practice Development is also being grown across the OWN Trust. Phonic and Math leads have already begun to develop their Practice Development to ensure every child in the Trust is successful.
Masters' Degrees
Along with this, we nurture our staff to improve their own practices. I am very pleased to say congratulations to three teachers from Woodston who have all completed and passed their Masters’ degrees: Lara Oestel, Elizabeth Hobday and Victoria Billington. Below is a brief synopsis of their degrees.
Miss Lara Oestel (graduated with a distinction):
My masters is MEd Master of Education at the University of Leicester. My main focus was on exploring gender differences between attitudes towards mathematics in young children.
The title of my dissertation was ‘Are there discernible gender differences between the attitudes towards mathematics in a year 2 cohort?’
Miss Elizabeth Hobday (graduated with a distinction):
My Masters is MEd Mathematics Education at the University of Cambridge. I focused particularly on the task design of problem-solving activities and the influence of parental involvement on children's mathematics achievement.
My thesis title was "A study exploring parents' and teachers' perceptions of parental involvement during periods of home learning and its relationship with children's mathematics achievement".
Miss Victoria Billington (awaiting final grading):
The masters course I completed was ‘MA in Education’ at Bishop Grosseteste University. I undertook a variety of enquiries, including learning about policies and different areas of research.
I am interested in children’s literature and reading. My thesis title was, ‘How does living in a socio-economically deprived area affect children’s reading for enjoyment?’ It was wonderful to speak to pupils about their thoughts on reading and discuss how this area could be improved.
All the research and analysis will enhance these teachers own understanding in the areas studied. Furthermore, this knowledge will help support their own teaching teams along with the other schools in the Trust.
National Professional Qualifications
There has recently been a change in the National Professional Qualifications. These now consist of defined tasks along with a ‘school improvement project’. Teachers will demonstrate their competence through assessment linked to knowledge and skills set out in a variety of leadership areas.
Woodston is proud that Laura Brough (Phase 2/3 Lead) and Victoria Billington (Phase 4/5 Lead) have both been accepted onto the NPQLT (Leading Teaching) – here they will develop other teachers who are subject or phase leads. Trevor Goakes (Deputy Headteacher) has been accepted onto the NPQH (Headship) – here he will develop leading a school.
These exciting qualifications continue to nurture staff to give the best opportunities to all children who attend the OWN Trust.
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Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash