OWN Trust Quiz Night 16.06.23

By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust
On Friday 16th June, OWN Trust held its first staff Quiz Night at Orton Wistow Primary School. Eight teams from across Nene Valley Primary School, Woodston Primary School, Orton Wistow Primary School, and the Trust central office took part.
OWPS Year Three Class Teacher, Bethan Strike, did a fantastic job of hosting the event single-handedly. She had prepared a varied and entertaining quiz consisting of several rounds on a variety of topics including celebrities, theme tunes, logos, geography, general knowledge, and much more. To spice things up, there were also Taskmaster rounds, where teams could undertake a challenge to win a cheat sheet for the next round. It was brilliant to see the diverse skill sets on display including making paper aeroplanes, limbo dancing, and hitting a target with a rubber duck!
Everyone who attended brought food for a communal buffet and the resulting spread was a sight to behold. Regular breaks between rounds enabled people to mingle, and it was a lovely opportunity for staff to get to know each other.
There could only be one winner, however, and it was a team from Woodston Primary School that won first prize. Congratulations to them!
A huge thank-you goes to Bethan for all her hard work in preparing the Quiz and delivering it on the night. There were lots of positive comments about the quiz, which means it might have to become an annual event!