Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day 05.12.24
On Thursday 5th December 2024, OWN Trust facilitated the Peterborough Primary Headteacher's Day at Allia Future Business Centre. The theme for the day was 'Effective Leadership' and headteachers from Peterborough gathered to hear a variety of speakers.
The morning began with an introduction by John Gregg, Executive Director of Children's Services, and was followed by a session on Working in Partnership to Improve Children's Learning by Carrie Traill, Service Director for Education. Jude Macdonald, Director of SEND at Peterborough Keys Academies Trust, then led an informative talk on Effective Leadership of Inclusion / Provision for SEND.
After the break, Bradley Busch, our keynote speaker for the day, discussed Developing Metacognitive Learners. This looked at how schools can develop students’ self-regulation, emotional control, and independent learning. Bradley explained that metacognition is often defined as “thinking about thinking”, or “learning to learn", and is the ability to reflect and critically analyse what we think and choose helpful thought processes. It has been highlighted by The Education Endowment Foundation as one of the most cost-effective ways to help students improve their learning.
Following a lunchtime break, during which delegates could network, the afternoon sessions took place and provided more useful input and discussion. Ben Erskine, Principal of Fulbridge Academy, gave a talk on Securing School Improvement through Effective Leadership. This was followed by a presentation on Peer Review Process: Challenge and Support by Neil Reilly, Headteacher at Nene Valley Primary School, which is part of OWN Trust. There was then an opportunity for Cluster Discussions to take place and for clusters to agree next steps based on the presentations from the day.
Feedback from those attending was very positive, with delegates commenting that:
All the speakers were engaging and shared useful information with us. Having the keynote speaker just before lunch worked well and he was excellent. Also enjoyed hearing from other school leaders in the city.
I enjoyed the variety of the day, the common thread throughout the day. I liked the mix of LA, outside speakers and Peterborough speakers. It seemed purposeful. Thank you.
For details of how schools can join us for the next Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day on Thursday 6th March 2025, please contact Fiona on
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust