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Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day 13.06.23

By Stuart Mansell, CEO, OWN Trust

We enjoyed another fantastic Peterborough Primary Headteacher Day on Tuesday 13th June, although it was tinged with a little sadness. Facilitated by Peterborough City Council and OWN Trust there were many useful updates. The restructuring of Peterborough and Cambridgeshire was of vital interest to all and led to some of the sadness of the day. Delivered by current Service Director, Jonathan Lewis, it was confirmed that this would be his last meeting in post in Peterborough, as he would be maintaining his post with Cambridgeshire. Jonathan has been instrumental in supporting schools through many recent challenges, not least the COVID pandemic, and will be sorely missed by many colleagues. His successor in an interim role, Chris Baird, was introduced to all delegates.

Presentations on supporting behaviour, managing SEND, project proposals for Special Needs, and Developing Boys’ Writing provided the remainder of the morning information from the Local Authority.

In the afternoon we experienced the sheer joy that is Shonette Bason-Wood. Shonette is well known in both Peterborough and OWN Trust as someone who is devoted to ‘spreading the happiness’. Her motivational keynote speech was aimed at ensuring school leaders have the skills to face some of the most significant challenges facing schools in the modern era. She helps them to do this with a sense of enjoyment so that their own motivation impacts directly on the children for whom they are responsible.

Our next meeting is not until late November, so watch this space.

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash