Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day 14.03.24
By Fiona Schneider, Marketing and Communications Officer, OWN Trust
On Thursday 14th March 2024, OWN Trust facilitated the Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day, which was held at Allia Future Business Centre at the Peterborough United Football Club.
Over fifty delegates attended, including headteachers, deputy headteachers, local authority staff, and other visitors, who enjoyed a full day of speakers and networking.
The morning comprised of updates from the local authority on various topics including SEND, secondary places, virtual school relations practice, wrap-around childcare, school property issues, validated primary 2024 data and the CPD programme for 2024-25, Teach East, and Anglia Ruskin University Undergraduate Programme for Trainee teachers.
After a delicious lunch and a chance to talk to colleagues, the afternoon session took place. This was run by keynote speaker, Will Ord. Will is Director of Thinking Education Ltd., an education training company based in England. He has worked in education for 30 years and trained teachers in over 20 countries. His conference keynote speeches and courses receive over 95% ‘Excellent’ feedback.
Will spoke to delegates about 'Great Learners and Metacognition – How can a school develop metacognition effectively?' and 'Metacognition and Communicating Well (Oracy)'.
There was lots of positive feedback from delegates about the day:
Great to hear the local updates, particularly the virtual school relational practice session and updates from Anglia Ruskin University.
Really inspirational afternoon with Will Ord.
Really appreciate the level of thought and preparation that goes into the organisation of days like this. Relevant and appropriate agenda for the morning with helpful information. Great speaker for the afternoon.
Will Ord was just brilliant. A great use of my afternoon, with some really powerful messages.
Very interesting. Especially the second session of key speaker.
The next Peterborough Primary Headteachers' Day will take place on Thursday 6th June 2024. The afternoon keynote speaker will be Bradley Busch, a chartered psychologist and Director of InnerDrive. He is one of the leading experts on how psychological research can help students and teachers improve how they think, learn, and perform.