Trust Pupil Premium Leader Meeting
By Laura Brough, Director of Learning, Woodston Primary School
On 23rd October 2024, a virtual meeting took place with the Pupil Premium Leaders in each school, Laura Brough (Woodston), Rachel Tansley (Orton Wistow) and Katie Brown (Nene Valley), together with the Trust CEO, Lorraine Greco. This meeting was an opportunity for a professional discussion between pupil premium leaders and the CEO around the pupil premium grant.
A focus of the meeting was to identify the challenges in the three schools in relation to disadvantaged children. Common themes included attendance and emotional health and wellbeing. The leaders shared the current support in place as a result of the PPG funding. For example, learning mentors, ELSA programmes and the mentoring service ‘Think for the Future’.
All three schools agreed that a challenge is ensuring families who are eligible apply for the funding in Early Years and Key Stage One, as Universal Free School Meals applies, and this has affected the number of children on the PPG register in the younger year groups. The leaders have a clear plan of how to raise the profile of the PPG funding with families.
A conversation was had around best practice in the spending of the funding, ensuring we identify those strategies which are low-cost but high impact, and evaluate the most expensive interventions to ensure they have the impact we are looking for.
The leaders are committed to continuing professional development and have identified webinars to study through the National College, and this will form part of future PPG Triad meetings.